September 04, 2010

The Week in Review

Good afternoon, minna-sama. While my morning was less than pleasant, it seems one of my reliable skills is to be able to tolerate things I don't like with surprising ease and grace. And so I am back in a place I have come to feel rather comfortable in, though it is damn chilly as always, and decided to get to this before something else undesireable reared it's ugly head once I returned back home. Imagine that, feeling better at work then I do at home. Tsk, what is my little world coming to?

Well, per my less than optomistic prediction, I was unable to come and post during the week at all. Le sigh. I hope this doesn't become a trend, or before I know it, I'll drop off the face of this blog too, despite my best interests. So though it is a bit of a stray from the motis operandi of being an Aristo, I'm going to do a bit of a recap of the week.

The first day started with me going to the building I hoped I had my first class in--which it turned out I did--going into a computer lab, and quickly transcribing my schedule down onto an index card. Luckily, it didn't take much since it's the same for ges-sui-kin, and I have free days on ka-moku. In addition, I also memorized the rooms after the day was over [hell my physics class is in the same lecture hall as last semester. I sit in practically the same seat]. I seem to have a knack for taking sociology related classes with a dolldrum teacher, thus not setting me up for a pleasant experience. My physics teacher reminds me of a cross between my high school Japanese teacher, and my highschool AP physics teacher. It is interesting combination, to be sure, however he teaches--to an extent--and arranges grading/syllabus like Alan, previous PHYS106 teacher. And so paperwork was handed out and assignments were to be had.

The first picnic of the semester with Toriberry didn't quite go as planned, but that's alright, we'll get there. Also, I went in early to work, and boy did they need it. Poor bossman wasn't running around like a chicken with his head cut off, but he sure was in a bit of a frenzy. However, it was really only those first fifteen minutes that things appear to be crazy, because once I got there, not only did I feel so much better, but it immediately calmed down. Maybe this is me. I am a sedate being after all. And mid afternoon I caught up with Kahori and visited Professor Liley again. Still wants donuts.

Wednesday was like Monday, only I was already falling behind. A LITTLE. ONLY A LITTLE. I ran into a few more people, waved in passing, chatted for a few, natter natter. Had to hurry my butt back to CBCB to drop off my bike to take the shuttle home. Oh yay.

Thursday was like Tuesday only less chaotic and better. I had Gamer Symphony Orchestra meeting--first of the semester--that evening. I worked in the morning, picniced with Chiii--which turned into picnic with Chiii, George, Martini, and Bill--and had my splendidly made bento, all before heading back the chapel for our meeting. Tis exciting, we've a lot lined up. I wore my Castlevania: Symphony of the Night shirt [subconciously again, as I did for the past two first GSO meetings] and my Castlevania: Judgement Aeon pants. Seems I am video-gamed out when I want to be, whether I know it or not. We've got about thirthy new members it seems, but we'll see who decide to stick around with us. The music line-up is phenomenal. Come visit out GSO store and support our orchestra outside of concert attendances [which are free~!].

Friday was like Wednesday, only it was Friday and thus the weekend. After physics, I hung out with Chiii again and played LoZ:Wind Waker for a bit. Cute miniature Link is a cute miniature Link. And we rode the tornado over, oh yay~. Having a bike made running a bit late completely managable, to which I am entirely grateful. *whew.* Speaking of said bike--which I believe I have at last named Fang of the Church Petros Orcini--I seem to be getting better at getting around in the mornings and in general on campus. I still thinks DOTS is one damn conspiracy, and I'm going to ream them a new one since I didn't get my free bike-lock yet. It is still a kenshin damn pain trying to go up the campus drive hill, but the victory is sweet going back down. Haaa, I'll get there.

I'm hoping for more productiveness, and more focus in these weeks. Next weekend is the meet-up, ne? It's on a Sunday, not a Saturday. I'll have to remember to get directions and bring small bills... I wonder if I can get food... hmmm, it wouldn't be enough to prepare just my own bento... I went grocery shopping, let's see...

Ah, what a perfect lead into my projects and food! I've completed my cane, minna-sama! Next post is definitely that, and progress on the jabot and other projects. I am so pleased; please tell me what you think when you see it.

I'll be tending to some work while I can, and so on that note I depart. Until the next time, hopefully sooner, minna-sama.

Of hand to kenshin... is what I thought.
Eternally yours,
Il Ruinante Isaak

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