September 18, 2010

Sunday's Meet Up that wasn't.[PICTURE LADEN]

Good afternoon, mina-sama. It is terribly late I know, and I know I stand by better late than never, but even I know that that has it's limits sometimes. However, at least another meet up hasn't passed before I got around to this. So here's the Reader's Digest version of two Sunday's ago.

Because the D.C. area weather is crack-pot insane, it rained. Bad. So I, being the awake and alert one, called on Toriberry and Nobu in turn to see if an alternate plan would be had. Toriberry suggested just the three of us--and hey, anyone in Dorchester or St. Mary's who cared to join us--have it in either of their dorm's lounge basement area. Decided, I dressed out. I felt amazing. I felt Aristocratic. Even the bulk of bags--a sleeping bag in case we decided to go outside anyway, my sheet music, bento, and JKL--didn't make me feel uneasy as Otousan dropped me off. I called once I got closer, to see which basement Toriberry and Nobu had decided. Nobu was waiting for word from Toriberry. I was waiting for word from Toriberry. As I began to suspect going on three hours later, with a periodical call in between, Toriberry had returned to the realm of the Asleep, and was not to be roused until I was already at rehersal for that evening.

It sounds bad. It was disappointing, I will admit. But GSO is a marvelous conglomerate of creative and imaginative folks, who took a shine to my Aristocrat in an instant [some even asked if I had made my jacket]. And I happily chose to deny work for going out late to dinner after rehersal, where in crowded around the round table at the Chinese restaurant we all love, I felt even more comfortable. I felt Aristo. I had embodied Aristo.

And since things didn't quite work out on campus as far as our impromptu meet-up, I supplemented with a photoshoot at home. And since neither Otousan nor Mother properly know how to take good shots with my camera, I did it myself. For your viewing and critiquing pleasure.

So immensely in love with how these turned out am I. I can even forgive the humidity of the rain for essentially ruingin three consecutive nights' work to straighten it. *Sigh.*

That is all for right now, ma cherie, this was only meant to be picture laden anyway had I gone to the meet-up or not. Until our next one, which hopefully will not be out in Woodbridge... [although apple picking sounds immensely fun.]

OBJECTION! [...did that go over your heads, mina-sama?]
Eternally yours,
Il Ruinante Isaak


Mademoiselle Parapluie said...

Your outfit is very nice.

Il Ruinante Sir Isaak said...

Oh, thank you kindly, Mademoiselle. *Bow.* I hope to soon make it even nicer with a tophat. ^_^

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