I will admit though that I did go and get up fiendishly early to participate in the madness that is Black Friday shopping [I may also see what I will see to the tune of Cyber Monday]. Semi-countryside-dom has it's advantages. Things were relatively orderly, I got a good parking space, and when it was all said and done, I was only out for 45 minutes before returning to the hotel to sleep a couple more hours until breakfast. The otaku side of me comes out as I made my largest purchase at Gamestop, securing myself a PSP at last, and acquiring Dissidia Final Fantasy, Soul Calibur: Broken Legends, and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII as my first stock [I will probably purchase Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep closer to Xmas, and at Target, since I have unconvered a gift card]. Intermitenly as I write this, I play a few quick battles on Dissidia [I'm leveling up Sephiroth]. Didn't know this marquis was a gamer too, eh? ^_^
I had a very peaceful time. I hope a similar good time was had by all.
Now then, as alluded to in the last post, I came upon a skirt from way back when as I was hanging up the skirt I bought from the thrift store. This is a pleated skirt--granted, there are only four, and it's very wide pleats [more like in stiched seams so it wouldn't be one big slate of skirt]--with a waist band if you could call it that, that has a button, and a zipper fasten. The button waist band saved me the trouble of having to add one to thread through the D-ring loops I bought, so all I really had to do was rip the seam that the zipper was on, rip some of the seam on the waist till it was 3/4 [so should I call it a 3/4 skirt...?] and then resew it back down into a nice clean edge.
The original skirt, still whole. It's a little hard to see with the black on black, but the pleats are there, if you can see them.
The above is cut out and pinned, and the bottom is with the hem finished. It was mostly a matter of making sure the folds were neat.
And for the sake of contrast, put some tissue paper between just to show. It's a bit long even if I have shoes on [only the Demonia boots make it seem appropriate length].
One of the simplest projects I've ever done that has yielded magnificent results. Now I also have some guideline as to how I want to make the skirt out from scratch--as it were--and out of the thirft store skirt. The one from scratch may still end up being my favorite since it will have a colored lining, but we'll see.
Also, it's essentially still a skirt, so I've worn it very frequently since I've made it, including out on my Thanksgiving travels. It makes a very bold and dramatic touch to my Aristo wardrobe, and anything in between. I do now have an increased fondess for windy days.
As promised, I'm getting a little fancy up in here, and to show how the thing moves as I do, I made a little video. The lighting is iffy, pardon. But the essence is there. And it's just another example of how well it works with basically anything you'd normally wear a skirt with.
I'm suiting up more and more for this rumored-to-be-colder-than-ever winter season. Got anything on the ball you've been working on? Spotted a must-have winter coat? How have you all been adjusting to the chillier weather?
I've got a lot of work ahead of me, please forgive a long absence in advance, mina-sama. I'll walk tall and strong, to the best of my ability, and give all I've got.
Eternally yours,
Eternally yours,
Il Ruinante Isaak